Saturday, November 27, 2010

Birthday Month for Girls

November is the birthday month for the girls around here (including myself).  I call Amy my late birthday present because she was born 5 hours later than my birthday.  Molly, on the other hand, was due in December, but must have wanted to share November with us. ; )  She was born a couple of weeks early.

Amy Sue
Amy turned 12 this month.  She is such a blessing and so fun!  It's enjoyable having a girl after the four older boys.  The older Amy gets the more I enjoy her.  She really loves to serve; she doesn't wait to be told to do things, if there is someone who needs something she will take care of them.  According to Steve and the boys she is my "twin".  That is an extreme statement, but I too see a lot of myself in her.

Amy and Erin-Notice the "A" & "E" on the scarves Erin made
Amy and Friends

Molly turned 3 the day after Thanksgiving.  Molly has lots of energy and is very friendly.  She adores the color pink and fancy dresses to twirl around in. She is in love with her daddy!  Her world revolves around him more than I have seen in any other of the children.  She wants to do everything with dad and for dad.  She would even go to work with him if he let her (she does ask).
Molly & Mom

Molly on 3rd birthday
Molly opening birthday prizes

Molly at Rest
 I like this last picture of Molly.  Behind her is a "People at Work" poster Peter made for school.  Peter had propped up his poster to dry, and later we found Molly had crawled up on the ottoman and fallen asleep in front of the poster.

Happy Birthday Girls!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like that's hard work for Molly!

    Amy O'Brien
