Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Microwaveable Corn Bags

"Corn bag season" is here again! With the weather getting colder I have had a lot of orders for corn bags again.  There are so many different fabrics to choose from so it makes sewing them even more fun.  My favorite, and the most popular, are the bags with the fleece covers.  The other favorite is flannel.
10x10 inch with fleece cover
The removable cover is so nice because you can just wash it if it gets dirty.  Plus when my children have used them while sick, I feel like I can sanitze the bag and have it ready for anyone to use again.

4x4 inch heat pack-flax filled
This year I started making a smaller 4x4 inch size for the kids to heat up and keep in their pockets while they are playing outside.  But instead of using corn for these I have been using flax seed.  Somehow this seems nicer for such a smaller bag.  It retains heat for about 20-30 minutes; it depends on how cold it is outside.

15x5 inch with flannel cover
Right now, the 15x5 inch bag seems to be the more popular with my customers.  Usually the 10x10 is most popular.  The season is young so this could change : )

Besides using them for keeping warm-they are great for aches and pains too.  Here is more info:

These heating pads are convenient, easy to use and keep their heat in for up to an hour.  Here are just a few ways to enjoy these heating pads:
  • They're wonderful in bed for cold feet, or to snuggle against your chest or back.   
  • Sports injuries
  • Headaches
  • Helps ease the pain of Bursitis, Arthritis, Tendonitis, Fibromyalgia
  • Earaches
  • Nursing Mothers
  • Cats and dogs like to lay on them. 
  • You can take one in your car as you warm it up on those chilly winter mornings. 
  • They are safer than electric heating pads - there is no fire hazard! 
Heating packs can also be frozen, and used as ice packs for injuries or carpel tunnel or reducing a fever.  I have done this for my children before.  Just put them in you freezer for 1-2 hours (or always keep on in there to be prepared).  We have used them as ice packs in the summer to keep cool on hot days and at night when it's been hard to sleep.

The other fun thing about the cornbags is that some of my children love to help in the making of them.  Sam, who is 7, loves to sew for some reason.  I am not kidding when I say that he asks me at least every other day, if not everyday, if there is something he can sew.  If I tell him he can't use the machine then he asks if he can "hand sew."  This is the part of sewing I treasure most.  My children get a reward if something they make sells, but my reward is so much greater.
Love toward their mother is not so great in children as the love of their mother toward them......               Martin Luther

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