Monday, November 22, 2010

Snow Sweet Snow!

One of John's birdhouses in the snowy distance.
 We have snow today! What a perfect way for the kids to start their week off of school.  Last night the boys and Amy got all of our winter gear out of the shed to be ready for today.  And boy did they get order to the house fast today so they could play.  My favorite part is staying inside making something warm to eat, lots of hot cocoa, popcorn and other fun treats for them to have when they come in.


  1. My favorite part is when Gloria, Jesse, Jesse(the dad),Jim, Christal Hicks, me and my brothers all had a snowball fight when it was really dark last night. We all started getting Jesse (the dad). Today Gloria, Jesse and I made some snowmen and we also played football with a lot of other people. Snow is a blast. It even was kinda' blizzardy

    Amy O'Brien

  2. Today the snow got over a foot in most spots. So at 8:30 p.m, John Pete and I went outside in the awesome weather with all the wind, and had the funnest snowball fight ever! I liked just being with my brothers.

    Ben O'Brien
