Sunday, September 26, 2010

What? No T.V.!!!!

Over that past year Steve and I have gone back and forth about whether we should stop our television service or not.  When I've wanted to get rid of it Steve has not; when Steve has wanted to get rid of it I wanted to keep it.  My favorite time to have a T.V. is in the fall when the weather is gets cooler so we are in the house sitting around together watching the football games, etc.  Well we really got rid of it this time.  You should have seen the looks on our children's faces and heard the gasping expressions! What shock.  Now what do we do?

Well, we have been having such a great time!  At least I have.  We all just talk more for one thing and one of my favorite things is just to hear the children's conversations with each other.  That is such a treat for me-from Seth on down to Molly.  Even the arguments are fun (if I can say that) because Steve is right there to give direction and be the referee so to speak.  That is by far more entertaining than any football game or movie.  Have you ever watched seven and nine year olds play a board game?  That is extremely entertaining!  Just watch them play without any input from someone who knows the real rules.

I'm not saying this is it and we will never have a T.V. again, or that everyone else should get rid of theirs, but for now this has been great for us.

1 comment:

  1. hmm. good thought. I havent had a tv service in years but had a quick spurt of in for about 6months and i realized it takes up sooooo much of your day! Imagine how many hours of your life that thing has stolen! now im content to have a vcr/dvd. it has a definite time line and your not sucked in by the next show and the next. and you have so much time for other things! - Laura O'Connor

    ps: you can check out my blog 2! i love comments!
