Sunday, September 26, 2010

What? No T.V.!!!!

Over that past year Steve and I have gone back and forth about whether we should stop our television service or not.  When I've wanted to get rid of it Steve has not; when Steve has wanted to get rid of it I wanted to keep it.  My favorite time to have a T.V. is in the fall when the weather is gets cooler so we are in the house sitting around together watching the football games, etc.  Well we really got rid of it this time.  You should have seen the looks on our children's faces and heard the gasping expressions! What shock.  Now what do we do?

Well, we have been having such a great time!  At least I have.  We all just talk more for one thing and one of my favorite things is just to hear the children's conversations with each other.  That is such a treat for me-from Seth on down to Molly.  Even the arguments are fun (if I can say that) because Steve is right there to give direction and be the referee so to speak.  That is by far more entertaining than any football game or movie.  Have you ever watched seven and nine year olds play a board game?  That is extremely entertaining!  Just watch them play without any input from someone who knows the real rules.

I'm not saying this is it and we will never have a T.V. again, or that everyone else should get rid of theirs, but for now this has been great for us.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Children Say the Funniest Things!

Yesterday Steve took Molly and Sam with him to run a few errands.  During the course of the errands, the van was having trouble and wouldn't start.  So Steve had to walk home with Molly and Sam.  Molly was asking why they were walking home (it was just from Safeway store - not far from home) and Steve told her because "the car wasn't working." While on the way home, students from the high school were doing their usual jogging.  As Molly saw them jogging by she told her dad, "Look!  Their cars don't work too."

Monday, September 20, 2010

Vaux Swifts

Over the summer we have had the chance to see Daren quite a few times.  His work brought him up to our area.  Daren is quite the wildlife photographer, birdwatcher, hiker, etc.  A few days ago he told me about some birds called Vaux Swifts.  Each September thousands of migrating Vaux’s Swifts roost in chimnies to rest while on their southern migration.  There are certain chimnies that they go to each year so people make it a point to go with blanket and lawn chairs to watch the festivities.  I read about one place even having a spagetti feed at the school where the birds roost.  Daren sent me a link to a video that I will post .  It really is amazing! 
Psalm 104.

Amazing video:'s_swifts_roost_in_eugene,_or 

Site from Monroe, WA about the swifts

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Isn't this a sweet picture!  This is my nieces daughter (my great niece?) Isabella.
She is the cover model for Welsh Heritage Farms which is the local apple orchard located near Mankato, Minnesota.  This magazine goes out all over southern Minnesota for their apple festival called Gwyl Gan Afals (Festival of Apples).
Congratulations Amber , I'm sure your so proud!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Marine

In case anyone hasn't heard, Seth has joined the Marines.  He is 19 now about ready to head out to boot camp any day.  But before he heads out he is going to Minnesota for a week to see the relatives out there.  They were kind enough to pay his ticket.  To be honest I wasn't thrilled to hear he was going because I want to spend as much time with him as I can before he is off for four years (and more).  I'm over it now though : )
A few of  us are already missing him. 
"Vocations differ from us:  farmer, fishers, and men of all order, who handle creation's wares, carry God's gifts to their neighbors.   He who engages in the lowliness of his work performs God's work, be he lad or king.  To give ones' office proper care is not selfishness.  Care for one's office is, in its very frame of reference on earth, participation in God's own care for human beings."     
 Luther on Vocation
by Gustaf Wingren

Monday, September 13, 2010


Tonight I was reminded of the blessing that children are.  Everyone had gone to bed early except for Sam and I.  He and I stayed up to watch a little TV.  While we were sitting on the couch Sam decided I needed a neck rub.  So he rubbed my neck for a short time. Then he got up went to the other room and brought back a sleeping bag, blanket and pillows.  He put the sleeping bag and blankets on me and asked, "Do you need a pillow on your feet?"  He knows me - my feet are usually cold so I end up putting something heavy on them like a pillow.  So after giving me pillows for my feet, back, and head he offers to rub my arms.  This went on for about 20 minutes.  What a perfect way to end the evening - getting to enjoy a special time with Sam.

Molly Rose

Molly Rose is 2 1/2 years now and oh so sweet!  Last night she fell asleep on the couch so I let her stay there since I was too tired to take her to her room.  Usually when she wakes up she comes to see me or her dad, but this morning she woke up and started singing "Jesus Loves Me."  How sweet she is!