Sunday, October 2, 2011

Seth's Smallest Fan

This is one of my favorite pictures!  I seem to have a lot of pictures of Molly and Seth lately.  Molly thinks so highly of Seth and Seth just loves his little sister. By the time Seth is back home Molly will be quite a bit older, so it's fun to capture these two on camera now.

Seth is in Hawaii right now and will be deployed to Afghanistan in May.


  1. A wonderful picture! You have a beautiful family.

  2. That Molly girl sure is a sweetie!! :)
    Just so you know, I have been using my corn bag a lot since the weather has been getting cooler. Danielle and Titus call it my "hot bag" and beg to sit on my lap when it's there. :)

  3. Glad to hear you are using your corn bag. I've been using one for my lap and one for the top of my feet. I bet you stay extra warm with the kids sitting on your lap :)
