Friday, March 30, 2012


Typical Friday night these days:

"What should we watch?" 

"Let's watch __________!"

"Naw, we've seen that too many times." 

"We could watch _____________."

"That one's for girls!"  (yes, the girls are very much out numbered in our family)

"How about ______________?!"

"No, that one isn't for everybody."

Ok, what about __________?"

"Nawww,"           "Not that one,"               "No way!"

Everyone sits for a few minutes saying nothing...........

Let's just forget it!  

We could all play a game of King Elephant

Pin It

Sometimes my kids do or say something to just make my day a little extra special  .............

........and sometimes it's fun to return the blessing.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


picture taken by David

The terminology my kids use today is so much different than things I would have said at that age. Take Sam's comment for instance: when he noticed the birds were unusually quiet, he declared,  "The birds need recharged!"

David's pets really like him.  

Molly seems to have the touch with the birds too.
(you can see by the hair and pajama's this was taken in the morning with before Molly was ready for the day)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

You mean you used to know how to..............................

Today a child discovers mother used to do something other than laundry.  Mom used to play piano and actually knows a little about inversions!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Business is Booming!

I have nothing to complain about and everything to be thankful for:  

Ran the dishwasher 3 times so far

Washed and dried 9 loads of laundry (and still have more)

Folded 50+ pairs of socks

Prepared meals and snacks for 8 hungry people (and still preparing)

~ and this is a condensed list of the adventures